Bilgi | Kayıt ol | Hesabı yönet | SquirrelMail | SnappyMail | Web-XMPP
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Aynı ayrıntıları kullanarak ücretsiz bir anonim E-Posta adresi ve bir XMPP/Jabber hesabı alırsınız. Jabber kimliğiniz şeklindedir ve doğrudan clearnet'ten veya Tor gizli hizmeti (danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion) üzerinden bağlanabilir.
Your E-Mail address will be
For privacy, please use PGP mail encryption, if you can. This prevents others from reading your mails to protect your privacy. You can download GnuPG or similar software for it. Once you have generated your PGP key, you can add it to your account to make use of WKD automatic discovery for mail clients.
You can choose between two Web-Mail clients installed on the server. SquirrelMail is a very old mail client which works without any JavaScript and is thus the most popular mail client among darknet users. However, it hasn't been under development for many years and does not support all features that mail has to offer. You may see strange attachments that should have been inlined in your email, such as PGP/MIME encrypted email messages. A more modern client is SnappyMail, which also supports PGP encryption within your browser and is more similar to what you may be used to from other mail services. SnappyMail requires JavaScript though, so SquirrelMail is for you if you do not trust executing JavaScript in your browser. Alternatively, you can simply use your favourite desktop mail client and configure it with the settings given below.
E-Posta Kurulumu
SMTP: Port 465 (SSL/TLS) or 587 (StartTLS)
IMAP: Port 993 (SSL/TLS) or 143 (StartTLS)
POP3: Port 995 (SSL/TLS) or 110 (StartTLS)
Kimlik doğrulama: PLAIN, LOGIN
Aynı bağlantı noktalarına Tor onion adresi danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion aracılığıyla da bağlanabilirsiniz, ancak yalnızca clearnet etki alanı için geçerli bir SSL sertifikasını kabul etmeniz gerekecektir.
XMPP kurulumu
Sunucuyu bağla: danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion (torifikasyon için isteğe bağlı)
Dosya aktarım proxy'si:
BOSH URL: (doğrudan xmpp kullanmaktan daha yavaş olduğu için yalnızca mecbursanız etkinleştirin)